Saturday, December 4, 2010

Christmas Song for St. Nicholas

In many European Countries, children must sing, dance, recite a poem, or tell St. Nicholas a story. They will then be rewarded with a treat such as candies, fruit, or a small toy of some type. This young man was singing a little song, and at the end, he smiled and said, Chocolade Bon-Boni'. I feel so honored when the children clap and sing for me. I remember one very hot day in July, several years ago. I was at the market in the small Kosova town near where I lived. I was buying tomatoes and cucumbers to make Shoup Salad. The store owner had lived in Germany and spoke both German and English. He said that the children on the corner across the street were singing for me. I was amazed. I turned and they were singing and dancing in a joyeous state. There must have been ten or twelve little ones from toddlers to six or seven years. Excitement consumed me as I watched them wave. I was standing by an ice cream chest full of Magnum Bars. I said, lets give them ice cream bars. He suggested I buy a less expensive bar as there were so many. I told him that they were giving there best for me, I want to give the best to them. We all had Ice Cream together on that July day, and I am left with a wonderful memory of the children of Kosova.

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